Meditation has been around for a long time. Eastern
philosophies have recognized the health benefits of meditation for thousands of
years. It is now widely practiced in the West, with the belief that it has
positive effects on health.
Meditation is the practice of focusing your attention to help you feel calm and give you a clear awareness about your life. In Nigeria, the awareness is very low, and people are missing out of the immerse benefit of meditation. Meditation can be use to achieve the followings;
- To look younger
- To relieve stress
- For self healing
- Boost immune system
- To relax your physical body.
- It accelerates spiritual growth.
The hustling and bustling nature of majority of working class Nigerian hardly allow time for ourselves and our health. Not minding our time constraint, this meditation is worth practicing.
This 5 minutes Meditation will help start your day full of energy and optimistic, unwind after a stressful day or even get whatever you want.
1. What do you want? HINT; I want to have a great day at work today,( not: I don’t want my boss to get angry with me today). Put your Desire in a positive statement.
2. Take any comfortable meditation position.
3. Play this sound or play any Nigerian
music instrumental, especially the music you
like. This audio is just an example.
4. Close
your eyes
5. Take a
deep breath
6. Focus
your mind on your desire, fantasize about, play around with it in your mind.
Feel you have it, act like you have it in your mind. Don’t worry about how it will happen.
7. Do this for
as long as you wish in your mind, until you are satisfied.
8. Stop.
9. Believe
you can have it, believe you deserve it and Thank God that you are alive.
Open your eyes. Go about your normal activities. Do this every morning or evening, it doesn’t have to be a routine. There is nothing mystical about this, it just using your mind to get your desire.
Practice this constantly, consistently, and sincerely and you will be amazed what will happen to your health and life.
This is a good write-up