Great inventions,
discoveries and achievements in life started, has a dream, a wish or a thought.
Dreams do come true, wishes can become
reality, and thoughts are powerful.
Life can be absolutely
phenomena, you can be, do and achieve anything especially when you start using
these six secrets. First, know yourself
because a man who is a master of himself is free, he can rule the world, and he
can achieve anything.
Second, create a
mental image of what you want, because imagination is
Third, tell your family or friends your goals so they can always
remind you. The fourth, set a time frame
for the achievement of your goals.
Fifth, use the magic rule of 21.
Then the sixth, Live
Life – Make sure that
you have fun while you are
advancing along the path of your goals and purpose.
Today and this very moment is a gift. Remain spirited, joyful, curious and have
passion for life.
Reclaim the joy of
waking up every morning full of energy and exhilaration. Breathe the fire of
passion into all that you do. Take life like a child, free yourself, explore and
enjoy every moment because each moment of life is an opportunity; take it, use it, live it and be
grateful for it.
Treat yourself well, smile to yourself. No matter how bad,
poor or confuse you think you are, there are thousands of people praying to be
you. Be pleased with yourself and then you will smile from inside out.
And when you smile from inside, the universe will bring to
you more reasons for you to smile. Remember, it is only you who can create your
reality. You are the Michelangelo of yourself.