The world is a narrow bridge. The
important thing is to have no fear’ Hasidac Master
Rabbi Nachman. As
we walk down life’s path, there are challenges to be faced
up with everyday, they either make or break, you either overcome or be overcome. The
between those who win and those who don’t is there attitude towards
Fear makes
threat/problem bigger than it really is. Be sure when
making any decision in the face of intimidation, it is not driven by
fear. Don’t let fear dictate your
direction,because a fear driven
decision, will only lead in the wrong direction.
decision, will only lead in the wrong direction.
accomplish any goal, first overcome the biggest enemy –Fear. Anytime there is
something great to achieve
the fear of failure stares us in the face. To experience a
miracle, face your fears and the sky will be a stepping stone to greater height.
miracle, face your fears and the sky will be a stepping stone to greater height.
You will
never know the success of an idea if you let the fear of making a mistake
paralyze you. As this year counts down, don’t stay in that familiar
place/comfort zone
rather face challenges, dare the impossible, move forward.
Bishop Oyedepo said “In every man’s promise land there are giants”.The giants
are obstacles that need to be overcome for destiny to be fulfilled. We cannot overcome
individually or corporately, face your fear and it will give
way to greatness.