Have you ever been taught exactly how to aim high and achieve your goals regardless of the obstacles? if yes good but if no,congratulations, for you are on the verge of self discovery. According to free
dictionary, “An achiever is a person with a record of successes” Do you remember the 10 Commandments? These commandments are deduced from the traits of world achievers.
Am sure it will, be a perfect guide for all ACHIEVERS to be.
purpose is a major decision in the life of an achiever. Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all
worthwhile achievement. Set your own target, have a step by step guideline to
achieve it. Direction makes life feels good. Purpose gives direction to your
To quote W. Clement: “Remember – your world
will change whether or not you choose to change it. But you have the power to
choose its direction.” Having a purpose is choosing direction of your life. Achievers
are purpose driven.
begins with a mentality of ‘do it now’. "Procrastination is thief of time" says Edward Young. The sense of there is always tomorrow takes us nowhere. It is good to do
an analysis of what you want to do, write report and evaluate risk but do what you
have to do now not tomorrow. As you
think of it, write it down and
take action. NOW is the way of an achiever. Am sure you know that, the
one greatest cause of failure is procrastination. Robert Collier, in his book “The
Secret of the Ages” explains.
“ Through waste of time:
Duties go unperformed
Important decisions are never made
Opportunities fly by un-grasped.
Engagements go unmet.
Trains are missed.
Life itself slips by unlived.”
For achievers NOW is the time.
“I have no one to help me.” Does this sound like you? am sure you have
said it times without numbers, because I have.
“The world isn’t interested in the storms
you encountered but whether or not you brought in the ship.”
- Raul
turn to excuses as a way to explain your failure or to evade pursuing your
dream. The world handed a lot of great achiever of today raw deal, but they
did not let that deter them from achieving their goal. Instead, achievers use
obstacles, problem or challenges as their stepping stone to the next level. Losers blame the world and circumstances
outside themselves for their failure. Achievers take responsibility for their life.
4. THOU SHALL BE POSITIVELY MINDED – In all history of the
world there was never anyone else exactly like you, and in all the infinity of
time to come, there will never be another. You are a very special person. Positive
mental attitude is a major attribute of a successful person. Achievers don’t think
negatively, they checkout the seed of an equivalent benefit in every adversity.
Remember the positive cycle; thinking about good things helps us to be
grateful, remaining grateful helps us to have a positive attitude. Having
positive attitude helps us to think about good which in most cases will manifest.
Be positive – walk it, speak it and you will be it.
5. THOU SHALL IDENTIFY YOURSELF WITH A SUCCESSFUL IMAGE – Steve Maraboli, “if you hang out with
chickens, you’re going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you’re going
to fly.” Identifying one’s self with a successful image can help break the
habit of self –doubt and defeat. It could
be a slogan, a picture, or any symbol that is meaningful to you. It could be
the picture of your father, a saint, or a mentor. Identify yourself with an
image that will inspire you to make the right decisions. When you are faced
with a serious problem or decision, ask your picture a question then listen for
the answer.
Quite simple , remember that there is a seed of greatest in all of us, we just need a little work on ourselves for the hero's in us to emerge.